
Legal Drink Age Japan

Thanks to a quirk of Japanese law, there is no age limit to see a show in Japan`s “show houses,” which are smaller concert halls like music halls. Most living houses in Japan are officially operated as restaurants, which is why visitors must place an order for drinks (500 yen or 600 yen, including equipment maintenance fees, etc.). Under Japanese law, venues such as concert halls (as well as cinemas, plays, music, sports, etc.) fall under the Entertainment Facilities Act. There are a number of requirements that you must meet in order to obtain a license to operate this type of entertainment venues, as well as many rules that must be followed when managing them. On the other hand, applying for a license as a restaurant is relatively easier and there are fewer restrictions on its operation. Overseas, it is common for concerts to be limited to those over the legal drinking age in the country, but since concert venues can be officially classified as restaurants under Japanese law, these venues are not required to follow these rules. But let`s just assume that people care for a moment. The minimum age for drinking and smoking is 20, the age at which people are considered “adults” in Japan. There are laws against the consumption, sale or supply of cigarettes or alcohol to minors, but no one listens. In 1996, the average number of cases filed with prosecutors for smoking among minors was five. Of course, none of the accused were punished in any way.

Drinking from minors is simply not considered a big deal, although God forbid you from taking someone else on your bike (that`s a fine of 20,000 yen that I gave to several unfortunate people). The enjoyment of local drinks is an integral part of a trip for many travelers. It`s even more fun when you`re in a group or spontaneously find a local drinking buddy in a small, atmospheric bar! The legal drinking age in Japan is 20. Although this age varies from country to country, as long as you are over 20 years old, you can drink freely in Japan. (Be sure to bring your passport for ID.) As in many other countries, people under the age of 20 cannot buy alcohol. Some stores will ask you for identification to confirm your age. Alcoholic beverages are sold not only in liquor stores in Japan, but also in supermarkets and convenience stores. Especially convenience stores sell alcohol 24/7. Nowadays, there are hardly any vending machines offering alcohol in Japan, but you will sometimes see it in rural areas. Some people may think that the regulations for the sale of alcohol are softer than elsewhere. Japan also has other rules and customs regarding alcohol that are different from other countries. If you take the train late at night, you might be surprised to see a company employee sleeping at the station or in the car.

In addition to crime prevention issues, Japan`s laws on public drinking are generally relaxed. This means that it is legal to drink in public in Japan. You can consume alcohol in parks, at the train station or – although frowned upon in most social situations – even on a train. But drinking can also help people relax. With the intensity of the Japanese school system, it`s (almost) hard to blame someone who wants to calm down and relax. Alcohol is one way people do it, and while it`s a bad excuse, I almost want to compare teen alcohol use in Japan to teen smoking in America. Marijuana is very hard to find in Japan (and the penalty is high). Neither is technically correct, although many would argue otherwise, I think. Alcohol is very easy to obtain compared to marijuana, and there is no penalty for violating alcohol law, just like marijuana and children in America.

If a child wants to let go and escape the test hell for a few hours, they will do it this way (this and karaoke). Why is alcohol consumption an important part of Japanese culture? For a society as reserved as Japan`s, alcohol is the perfect icebreaker. When people are drunk, they talk and share their opinions more openly. Therefore, a drink is a unique opportunity to meet people outside of formal relationships – especially for colleagues who talk less at work than in the West. Company employees rarely refused to drink with their superiors; Otherwise, they miss the promotion. Drinking has such an important meaning that the Japanese even coined the word “nomination” for it. This hybrid word combines the Japanese word for drinking “nomu” and the English word “communication”.