
Legal Definition of Ab Extra

In the present case, J. Pilcher considered that the birth of the child was due to ab extra fertilization and that the marriage between husband and wife had never been consummated because of the legal incapacity of the wife. Thus, the judiciary issued a judgment annulling the husband. In Manjula S. Deshmukh v. Suresh Deshmukh,[2] the court upheld the nullity of the marriage. The evidence presented by the wife was taken into account and it was found that the marriage had not actually been consummated by penetration and that the birth of the child was due to fertilization that had taken place separately. Encyclopedic, `Ab extra` (legaldictionary.lawin.org 2014) joined on September 27, 2022 This article on Ab extra was released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) license, which allows unrestricted use and reproduction, provided that the author or author the authors of the Ab extra entry and the Lawi platform are each cited as the source of the Ab extra entry. Please note that this CC BY license applies to certain additional Ab textual content and that certain images and other textual or non-textual elements may be subject to special copyright regulations. Instructions on how to cite Ab extra (with attribution under the CC BY license) can be found below in our “Cite this entry” recommendation. 2.

Where a person may have received funding from a third party. This financing may have been considered ab extra Ab Extra is a legal term of Latin origin. In Latin, the maxim literally means “from the outside”.[1] 05 2014. 09 2022 In the case of T. Rangaswami v. T. Aravindammal J. Ramaswami in the judgment that the birth of a child is not conclusive evidence, the marriage is consummated, because it is common knowledge that fertilization can take place “extra”. Knowledge from external sources refers to Ab Extra. This maxim refers to the situation in which there is some added value in addition to the actual information. In the case of documents or information provided by a third party (a person who is not a party to the proceedings), this is considered complementary or additional.

In Manjula S. Deshmukh v. Sjresh Deshhukh, the court accepted the wife`s testimony that semen could have hit the woman`s vagina and caused pregnancy without penetration or ordinary sexual intercourse, as is well understood. The birth of the child was due to an extra fertilization accident during a failed execution attempt. The judgment annulling the marriage was upheld. This article, entitled “Ab Extra: Meaning, Origin and Explanation”, was written by Sahajpreet Bhusari and deals with the maxim of Ab Extra. I. Meaning and origin Ab Extra is a legal term of Latin origin. In Latin, the maxim literally means “from the outside”.[1] II. Explanation Knowledge from external sources refers to Ab Extra.

This maxim refers to. Read more » “Ab extra.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ab%20extra. Retrieved 27 September 2022. Whether a party to the case may have received information from a third party. This information of a third party is considered ab extra. In T. Rang Swami v. T. Aravindammal,[3] it was held that the birth of a child cannot be considered a consummation of marriage and that fertilization can take place “extra”. This definition of Ab Extra is based on the Cyclopedic Law Dictionary. This entry needs to be proofread. (2014, 05).

Ab extra legaldictionary.lawin.org Retrieved 09, 2022, by legaldictionary.lawin.org/ab-extra/ (Latin: extra, beyond, without.) Von ohne Lunt v. Holland, 14. Mass. 151. Ab Extra means information obtained from external sources. This maxim deals with the situation in which the source of something is separated from the actual source of it. If evidence or information is presented by third parties (persons other than the parties to the case), this is considered additional. This term is also used when there is a possibility of fertilization, which could have occurred through the sperm hitting the vagina of the deceased and caused a possible pregnancy without penetration or normal sexual intercourse. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America`s largest dictionary with: You must – there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you`re looking for one that`s only included in the full Merriam-Webster dictionary. This article, entitled “Ab Extra: Meaning, Origin and Explanation”, was written by Sahajpreet Bhusari and deals with the maxim of Ab Extra. What motivated you to look it up in this dictionary? Please let us know where you read it (including the quote, if possible). T.

Rangaswami v. T. Aravindammal, AIR (1957) Mad 243. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked with an *. Manjula S. Deshmukh v. Sjresh Deshmukh, AIR 1979 Delhi 93.