
Legal Property Searches Uk

This lets you know if the property: 3. Drainage and water research: This research aims to determine where all drainage systems around a property are located and whether they could affect the property in the future. No matter where your property is, here are the top three searches you`ll need, at a minimum: That`s why Graysons only does official research. And be patient. Lawyers must exercise due diligence, and searches are an important part of this investigation. We always strongly recommend that you search the surrounding area to ensure that the investment in your property is protected, for example, if there is a possibility that subsidence could be caused by an old underground coal mine, a high risk of flooding or a serious pollution incident, you may choose not to purchase that particular property. Without conducting property research, you would not be aware of this and could face the risk of your property sinking, being flooded, or feeling uncomfortable or facing the cleaning bill in the future. This is to prove that the current owner is actually the owner of the property he is selling. The sale cannot take place until this has been done. Priority searches are last minute checks, the title deed has not changed in any way since the official copy of the title register was received at the beginning of the transfer process. If you are buying with a mortgage, research is mandatory.

For cash buyers, they are optional. If you`re buying a home with a mortgage, research is a legal requirement. First, let`s be clear: research and investigation are two different things. The search extends to the local area and a survey covers physical property. Research is usually mandatory when a mortgage is used, and surveys are the buyer`s choice and help assess whether the property needs a lot of maintenance in the near future, i.e. roof repairs, rising moisture or woodworm treatment. Always ask your sponsor – before hiring them – for which search queries they will apply. It`s always worth talking to people who are already living on or near the streets to ask if they`ve ever been at risk and, if so, how widespread the flooding has been and if the property you`re trying to buy has been affected. This is a search sometimes used in rural areas to check whether land purchased with the property is classified as “communal land” under the 1965 law on the registration of municipalities. It is possible to take out liability insurance that covers a general or specific problem that research has revealed. Preliminary searches are ordered after the contracts have been exchanged. Local authority searches must have been ordered within the last 6 months to be valid at the time of completion.

The main problems he may discover are planning issues that specifically affect your property – not necessarily a large property built nearby that doesn`t affect your boundaries or any planned property extension for the neighboring property. All other property transfer searches can be done online, so the turnaround time is quite fast. 7. Chancel Repair Search: Most people don`t even know that some properties have an obligation to the local parish for church repairs, so this research will check that. This usually depends on the historical status of the estate and the parish itself. You can usually purchase insurance to cover yourself for such future bills. You may be familiar with the estate and the country and are relatively sure of its history. However, in exchange for these fees, you may need to finance the shoreline and waterway that bypasses your property. These can be secured if required by your law firm or through research firms, but your law firm will usually know if mining research is necessary. This search usually takes place shortly before the legal conclusion of the purchase. Your bank cannot confirm your mortgage until the environmental research has been completed. Once your offer has been accepted and you have ordered your survey, check with your lawyer when the search is complete.

You`re buying something that may be secured by debt, make illegal alterations, or be at high risk of potential problems such as flooding or subsidence. 5. Flood risk research: If the property you want to buy is close to water. Like what; A river, lake, reservoir or coastline, this research will then show how high the risk of flooding is in the region. An examination considered a must by the Law Society involves preparing a report to determine whether a property was built on contaminated land or is located near a landfill or waste disposal facility. This is because banks and building companies want to make sure that there are no problems that could affect the value of the property they are lending you money for. 1. Local Authority Search (LAS): This search finds information about nearby road maps, contamination or planning work, as well as several smaller searches. 6. Coal mining and mining research: Old tunnels can pass under a plot. This is common when it comes to an area that was once used for coal, brine or salt mining.

These old tunnels can expose a property to the risk of sinking. Therefore, it is really important to know what is under a property before buying. These are requests made on your behalf by your attorney/licensed sponsor to various authorities that hold information about your property, the land on which it is located, or factors that may affect it directly (or indirectly). Most searches are ordered/requested once you have officially accepted your offer. Yes, they do. Property transfer searches are relevant for a period of 6 months, and if you are buying with a mortgage, your lender will specifically review the age of all property searches to ensure they are up to date. It`s your lawyer`s job to highlight the issues, but ultimately, it`s up to you to decide whether or not to proceed with the purchase of the property.